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Just kind of curious but do you have a Discord for development of your projects at all?


so lit, happy youre still making stuff


amazing game sir, I hope someday you release a complete version on steam or something

Hey! This game is super cute, I do love the spyro inspiration on this but I also have some feedback that I wanna share :)

First off even with a difficultly setting this game is way to hard, even on easy!

You get almost no time to progress, I even had over 1 minute past the first snowman "boss" but could not progress even after a few tries. There NEEDS to be a checkpoint, after 5 tries I kinda gave up personally cause it stopped being fun. I would like there to be no timers option as well, and fixed timer so theres MORE time per candy and less stress, checkpoints PLEASE could really improve this game

That said, I really really do love your work, I played your games before and you are VERY talented and creative, just some small tweaks could go a long way :) thank you <3

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Aww, this looks cute! I'll play it when I have the chance!

Hey waitaminute, you're the fella behind Zera: Myths Awaken! So that's why you nailed the Spyro-like style so well! 


Even easy mode was hard at first since I had not played the game before, but have now finished Hard mode and it was super fun. 

Esme is fast and also cute


So fun and the graphics is amazing! Wish i can make something like this...

Will you make a full game out of this? It is promissing. Anyway, thanks for this game Cyredies! 


Awesome game! The controls were on point and the level looked incredible!

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This is SO fun to play right out of the gate. You have a way of making speedrunning feel natural and accessible. Also, this takes me right back to 2017 when you released Spyro's Holiday Adventure. I still have that one saved lol.

Edit: Wow, nice updates!


The presentation is awesome. It feels like I am playing something from the PS1. The time trial is challenging, but if you utilize your abilities effectively and optimize the routes you take to collect all the treats, you too can complete this little holiday adventure. Good to see you're still working on stuff Cyreides! Thanks for the Christmas present.

Thanks for playing!


nice but so hard

Thanks for playing, I've added a new difficulty mode selection to this with the update from today! The old difficulty is now hard mode, with a newer easier timer for easy mode!